Membership and Communities

Biochemical Society Ambassadors

We rely on our membership to help deliver our mission of supporting and promoting the molecular biosciences, and our Ambassadors are a key group of members who help us achieve this goal.


Biochemical Society Ambassadors are the first point of contact for the Society at their institution or organisation. They encourage new membership, serve as a conduit for the transfer of ideas between local molecular bioscientists and the Society, and also help to organise local events such as student receptions, a presence at Freshers’ Fayres and sponsored seminars. Ambassadors also strengthen relationships and collaboration with the Society between their organisation and the Society.

A group of Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors

See whether there is an Ambassador representing the Biochemical Society at your organisation.

Our Local Ambassadors
Useful information and materials to help Ambassadors fulfil their role of promoting the Society.

Become an Ambassador

Are you interested in becoming a Biochemical Society Ambassador? Find out more about this role.

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