
Position Statements

We have issued a number of position statements on issues relevant to the molecular biosciences and the broader science sector, to outline our stance on these important topics.

Position statements are developed by our Policy Advisory Panel alongside expert contributors, and are used as a basis for our engagement with policymakers on issues affecting our community.

The Biochemical Society supports the use of animals in research when properly regulated and when alternatives are not available.

We actively support progress towards a reduction in the use of animals by refining experiments and developing new ways to replace and minimise the use of animals wherever possible.

We are signatories to the Concordat on Openness on Animal Research, a commitment to provide the public with accurate and up-to-date information about how animals are used in research and the role they play in scientific discovery. This is alongside a long-standing commitment to require details on where and how animals were used for papers published in our journals, in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.

We have endorsed the Royal Society of Biology’s (RSB) position on the use of animals in scientific research, which outlines both the benefit that comes from using animals in research, and the commitment to reduce the use of animals in research as technology allows. We are also part of the RSB’s Animal Science Group, a forum for discussion on animal science policy issues made up of a broad spectrum of UK bodies involved in animal research.

The Biochemical Society is concerned at the growing rate of antimicrobial resistance, and believes that sustained research funding is needed to drive the development of rapid diagnostics, and new antimicrobials and alternative approaches to combating infection.

Read our full statement

We believe that progressing towards an equitable, diverse and inclusive sector is imperative to delivering our charitable mission. We have made equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) a core focus of our strategy, and while we have made some progress we acknowledge there is much work still to be done.

Read our full statement

The Biochemical Society recognises the advantages of harnessing genetic modification for the improvement of crops, feed and food to contribute to global food security. We support the use of molecular biology for targeted and precise crop improvement alongside maintenance of regulatory control, and recognise our responsibility in fully evaluating these technologies and deploying them where appropriate.

Read our full statement

The Biochemical Society and Portland Press support open science, and here we set out the key principles underpinning this commitment.


Read our full statement
First image depicts a pile of reports. Second image shows people reading reports First image depicts a pile of reports. Second image shows people reading reports
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