87th Harden Conference: Single-molecule bacteriology II

11-14 July 2022
Milton Hill House, Oxfordshire

Limited availability - day tickets only (no accommodation)

Single-molecule imaging has revolutionized our ability to study molecular processes underlying bacterial function. New fluorescent proteins and dyes, ultrasensitive microscopy, and image-analysis software have helped visualize reactions, interactions and motions inside single bacteria. In a sense, we are “re-discovering” bacteria with a new set of eyes. 
The agenda of this interdisciplinary meeting will showcase exciting developments in this young field. This will include structural/mechanistic studies using super-resolution imaging and single-molecule microscopy, new quantitative in vivo techniques applicable to bacteria, complementary theoretical modelling approaches, and studies of clinical/commercial significance. 
This topic is the theme of the 87th Harden Conference, an event series unique to the Biochemical Society, providing residential research conferences covering a specialist topic. These events are widely recognised for their emphasis on free and open discussion to encourage the exchange of the latest data and a critical discussion of the technical challenges that these developments face.

We are currently updating the programme, please note that this is subject to change.

Programme Coordinators:
Achillefs Kapanidis, University of Oxford
Meriem El Karoui, University of Edinburgh
Stephan Uphoff, University of Oxford
Jie Xiao, John Hopkins University

For the list of confirmed speakers, please see the event programme.

This event is sponsored by:


Oral communication slots are available at this meeting. All attendees, particularly researchers in the early stages of their career, are invited to submit a poster abstract for consideration as an oral communication. You can submit your abstract here.

There are a variety of bursaries available for this meeting. Click here to find out more. 

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COVID-19 (coronavirus)

The Biochemical Society has been monitoring developments and advice from the UK Government and World Health Organisation (WHO) since the emergence of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in January. At this stage, the Society intends to proceed with its scheduled meetings and events as planned, in line with current guidance, and looks forward to welcoming delegates to our meetings. To read more on this please click here.