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World Hypertension Day 2024

News, May 17 2024

In recognition of World Hypertension Day on 17 May, we're pleased to bring together relevant content from our journal, Clinical Science.

Dr. Meena Madhur, cardiovascular physician-scientist and Associate Editor of Clinical Science, highlights the importance of studying hypertension and its sequelae:


“Hypertension is the leading risk factor for worldwide morbidity and mortality, but is unfortunately underdiagnosed, undertreated, and still poorly understood. If we could achieve proper blood pressure control and treat the underlying inflammation associated with hypertension, we would have far fewer heart attacks, strokes, heart failure exacerbations, kidney disease, and even Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Thus, we need a deeper dive into what causes hypertension, how we can model it, how we can track it, and how we should treat it – at a personalized level – combining genetics, environment, our diet, and even our microbiome. Fortunately, new drugs are on the horizon and new tools are being developed to track and treat hypertension, but we still have a long way to go. Clinical Science is an advocate for the dissemination of findings related to hypertension research. Thus, we wish to highlight World Hypertension Day to hopefully shed light on and prevent this silent and deadly disease.”

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